Baal Neev Foundation

Just Do Something & Something Good...



Basic Awareness About Life’s Never Ever Ending Victory (Baal Neev Foundation) is a National level non-governmental organization.


Reduce the incidence of non-communicable diseases, provide free education & food to down trodden communities.


To prevent NCD’s by generating awareness so that India become healthy, educated & happy.

Health Awareness

Running Nationwide free health awareness programs.

Education Assistance

Helping children to get
formal education.

Help & Feed

Help and feed needy people as much as from our end.

Save Environment

Protecting Natural Resources by generating awareness.

Our Focus

committed for the welfare of society.

show humanity

The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.

All donations will go to support main problems like food, education, health. Our project is working with many of social activities and we have achieved great success to achieved our vision.
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Food, Education etc
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Be Aware

Raising Nationwide Free Awareness Programs.


Awareness Programs

Raising Nationwide health awareness programs to get more n more people aware
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Prizes Distribution

Rewards students, teachers for participation in awareness programs to make people aware in various aspects. 


Blankets Distribution

Food and blanket distribution campaign to needy people and downtrodden communities.

our social welfare programs impacted many lives.

We are accepting donations of any size. Donating 1% of your monthly income won’t hurt you but will serve a great job for needy.

Students get Inspire by program

project Planning & implementation

Our Project is a multi-thematic intervention through Heath, Education and Livelihoods.
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People Aware
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No child in India should go to sleep hungry.

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